Sunday, November 30, 2014

Phosphoric Acid

Phosphoric Acid - H3PO4

Phosphoric Acid or also known as the orthophosphric acid is used for many reasons for an example this particular acid is deliberately added to soft drinks to give them a sharper flavor. This Acid also slows the growth of molds, and bacteria.  Many people believe that this acid can get quite addictive because of the tastes. The Phosphoric Acid is a colorless,odorless substance and can also be used in fertilizers, and detergents also in foods. Daily Products such as buttermilk, cottage cheese, and non-daily coffee creamers and contain the Phosphoric Acid.



  1. I did not know Phosphoric Acid was added to drinks to give them a sharper flavor!

  2. Wow I didn't know I was drinking so many acids thanks you for educating me on what people are drinking these days!
